Six QR Code Failures and Three QR Code Wins

QR codes. I hates ‘em. The Quick Response code (QR code) popped up in our lives a few years ago, a strange square that looks like what you get when you cross Frank Lloyd Wright’s Ennis House textiles (as seen in Blade Runner) with 8-bit graphics. They came to us by...

7 awesome bits of tech that just freakin’ disappeared

Recently, my husband and I were arguing about TiVos, and it’s not just because we like to argue. He says that our homegrown MythTV system is a customizable, open-source way to record television, and I say that I miss the chirpy little noise a TiVo remote control made...

12 types of bad tech names

Life is too short to want to punch a website in the face, but there I was, staring at, feeling the rage. I was struck for the nth time by the sheer badness of the name iPad when I realized there were worse names of tech companies, products, and services. In...