Nov 10, 2017 | SyFy
Yesterday, we learned that Rian Johnson, the director of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, is about to helm a trilogy of Star Wars movies unrelated to the Skywalker storyline. We’re agog with excitement. So is the internet. But how does Johnson himself feel?
Nov 9, 2017 | SyFy
Screenplays go through multiple versions, and Thor: Ragnarok is no different. What we saw onscreen was the final — but not only — draft. Here’s a look at the Ragnarok that could have been: WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD
Nov 9, 2017 | SyFy
Have you seen Thor: Ragnarok? If you haven’t, now would be a good time. Because we’re digging into spoilers on the hit Marvel flick below.
Nov 8, 2017 | SyFy
Ahmed Best played the animated character Jar Jar Binks in the Star Wars prequel series to poor reviews — not because of his performance, but because the character was reviled. In the early 2017 novel Star Wars: Aftermath: Empires End, author Chuck Wendig gave him a...
Nov 8, 2017 | SyFy
Stranger Things 2 was as attention-grabbing, frightening, and just plain fun as its first hit season. Thankfully, the Duffer Brothers still have two more seasons’ worth of Hawkins, Indiana, tales to tell.