Nov 3, 2017 | SyFy
Stranger Things has a cast of lovable young actors, but as every chef knows, you need acid to balance the sweet. In Stranger Things 2, Erica, played by young Priah Ferguson, was that acid. The little sister of Lucas, she was the mouthy counter to his geeky self. We...
Nov 3, 2017 | SyFy
Back during the D23 Expo, aka the Disney convention, Disney announced it would be dedicating a part of Disneyland to Pixar by creating an area called Pixar Pier. Now Disney has released a few more details about the upcoming attractions.
Nov 2, 2017 | SyFy
Did you like Harry Potter but thought author J.K. Rowling lacked logic? Eliezer Yudkowsky, AI researcher and writer, did. So he created a 122-chapter fan fiction designed to right that perceived wrong. The result, Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality (HPMOR), is...
Nov 2, 2017 | SyFy
Common sense dictates that when you bash your boss, you discuss your job angst with a friend or trusted colleague—in private. You don’t share job stress on social media, and you certainly don’t put it in print. Alas, not all common sense is common, as Doctor Who actor...
Nov 2, 2017 | SyFy
Porgs have yet to be seen on the big screen in the latest Star Wars sequel The Last Jedi, yet Porg-mania is sweeping fandom. But these adorable avian creatures are about to get even more delightful: According to Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy, The Last Jedi will...