Act of Faith. Official image, The Creators Project
Alan Moore is one of my favorite comic book writers, and his wild, arcane imagination has given us some wonderful series, such as From Hell, The League of Extraordinary Gentleman, V for Vendetta, and Watchmen, which were adapted to the big screen. Moore has publicly condemned all of these adaptations…none of which he has ever seen (and has not accepted royalties from after a lawsuit concerning The League of Extraordinary Gentleman in 2003). Now he’s about to willingly put his name on a series of short films, Show Pieces.
According to The Creators Project, Moore will be collaborating with director Mitch Jenkins in these “occult, noir-flecked film pieces.”
Originally intended as a brief ten-minute, one-off piece, the project has evolved into a multi-layered, multi-episode narrative created by Moore and brought to life by Jenkins.
“Occult,” “noir-flecked,” and “multilayered?” It seems as if my Alan Moore dreams are coming true.
Importantly, Moore has written these scripts specifically for the screen. This is imperative to Moore, who once explained his contempt for adaptations of his work: “[I]t’s simply because they weren’t ever designed to be films. This is what I’ve been trying to explain to these stupid bastards for the past 20 years. They were designed to exploit all the things that comic books can do and that no other medium can.”
Currently, the first film, “Act of Faith,” has been shot; the second film, “Jimmy’s End,” will be lensed soon in Northampton, England. These shorts will be released in October at The Creators Project, an art and technology festival in DUMBO, Brooklyn, in October 2012. For those who cannot attend, The Creators Project plans to release the shorts on their website.
At last, the 2012 show!
Via Superhero Hype.