Joss Whedon is a busy man, what with his directing The Avengers, working on a new Marvel-based television series, selling his version of Much Ado About Nothing to Lionsgate, and presumably guzzling caffeine to compensate for all that sleep he’s not getting. But he’s finally putting the wheels in motion for the project we’ve been waiting for since 2008, the sequel to Doctor Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog.
According to the Huffington Post, the Evil League of Evil and all who oppose them may meet come springtime.
”[The date is] the firmest it’s been,” Whedon said.
– and likely the firmest it can be, given that Harris, Fillion and Simon Helberg star in successful TV shows (“Castle, “How I Met Your Mother” and “The Big Bang Theory,” respectively), and that the third member of the “Dr. Horrible” brain trust directed one of the most successful movies of all time.
But this isn’t the first time that we’ve been promised the imminent arrival of Bad Horse and his newest minion, Billy. This March, we had news that Dr. Horrible 2‘s filming would commence this summer. Well, summer came and went, and we didn’t hear one single death whinny.
Will Dr. Horrible become the next always-promised, never-delivered project that tantalizes fans for years, like the videogame Half-Life 3? Will we continue to look at our wrist and count the years that Dr. Horrible 2 has been promised to us?
I don’t know. I only know that the day needs Joss’ saving expertise.
Dr. Horrible will be airing on television for the first time on the CW on Tuesday, October 9, 9pm EST.
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