Prometheus: interior shot
The international launch trailer for Prometheus is out, and it has 30 seconds of more footage (or is that “appendage”) than the U.S. trailer. This new trailer isn’t as dramatic as the U.S. one, but it manages to outdo its American counterpart in one important way: it’s hella frightening.
The launch trailer, which is different from a mid-March international trailer, is also rather choppy, with frames of black interspersed between picosecond-length clips. But if you take a look at these clips, you’ll see that the trailer shows quite a bit of information…albeit at a pace that renders that information subliminally.
So here’s the trailer, below. I’ve also captured some screenshots that reveal certain characters and situations, but I placed them on the next page, so you can see them or not, whichever you choose. Warning: Potential spoilers below.
Prometheus is the prequel to the 1979 classic, Alien, a horror movie that chills us to this day, and will be released on June 8, 2012.
Space Jockey
Ghost image of Space Jockey
Cartilage creature
Clutching a melted facemask
Injured crewmember