Prometheus is Ridley Scott’s upcoming movie, a prequel to the famed Alien series. If it’s anything like Scott’s original Alien movie, it’s going to contain horror, suspense, and a a few visceral dismemberments. Fans know this already. 20th Century Fox, however, wants to reach the few of you who haven’t heard of Alien–or were soured by the post-Cameron sequels–with an electrifying trailer or two. Or in this case, a trailer to a trailer.
That’s right. And now I get to write the paragraph that every writer fears:
20th Century Fox has released a trailer for the trailer. This isn’t the first time the studio has released a trailer for a trailer; it also promoted the December trailer with its own trailer.
Got that?
I’m not complaining. After all, any footage is the hit us Alien junkies crave, particularly since we have to wait until June 8th to learn Prometheus’ connection to our beloved franchise. We’ve had strong hints that Prometheus will explore more of the origins of the mysterious pilot and the crashed alien ship (or a similar one) from the original movie. From Weyland’s TED speech, there have to be good odds an Ash/Bishop-style android or two will make an appearance. But it might not actually feature our favorite homicidal xenomorph…and if it does, not in the central way it has been in the movies including the word Alien in their title.
Anyway, here’s the trailer for the trailer. It gives us tiny glimpses of the real trailer, which will be released March 18th.
Are we Alien fanatics so desperate that a 23-second pre-trailer a seems like a good idea?
Yes, yes we are.