Image taken from the Vimeo clip.
I learned how to type on a typewriter, a quaint machine that fits perfectly in the world of Mad Men, but not so much in the here and now. Typewriters were slow going, and every error had to be painstakingly corrected with Wite-Out instead of the simple backspace button. But the clickety-clack sound of each keystrike made me feel productive, even if I was just typing out “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Now those Mad Men days are back…at least the sound of it.
Thanks to the app, Noisy Typer, created by Theo Watson of F.A.T. Lab, I can have the nifty sound of keystrikes AND the ease and simplicity of a computer. It’s a party in your keyboard, and because it’s free, everyone’s invited.
Did I say everyone? I meant Mac users.
Still, the Friends of Steve will enjoy the heck out of this one. It’s not just the clickety-clack that’s making me smile. The ding of the return key is giving me some serious nostalgia for the typing class where I had painted home row on my fingernails, just to give myself an edge.
If your office-mate gives you the hairy eyeball, you can shut it off by typing “qaz123” (which I did just now, but then restarted it).
Now all I need is a cocktail, and my Mad Men fantasy is complete.
Check out the video, below, for a demonstration.
Via Dvice.