Nachu Bhatnagar has terminal cancer, and the teenager likely not live past June. Despite his sad position, he has something that all of us want: a kind and thoughtful best friend. What his buddy “Kivakid” did to ease his buddy’s suffering was, shall we say, unique.
Kivakid reached out to the Internet to contact Bhatnagar’s favorite author, Harry Turtledove. Kivakid didn’t just manage to reach Turtledove…he tracked down an advanced copy of Coup D’etat, a book in Bhatnagar’s favorite series, The War That Came Early…which won’t be released until July.
Turtledove and his editors’ generosity didn’t stop there.
According to io9, “The author also agreed to spoil the entire War series in a phone call (or possible face-to-face meeting) with Nachu.”
In this video, below, Bhatnagar opens his present. His reaction is deeply touching.
Enjoy, Nachu, and best wishes.
Via io9.