Apr 24, 2014 | SmartBear
Share Developing apps for Google’s Android is usually smooth as glass. Developing for Glass? Not so smooth. Here are some complications that only Glassware developers will encounter. Google refers to the people who sport its Glass, the technology that doubles as...
Dec 27, 2013 | SmartBear
ShareMy name is Carol Pinchefsky, and I’m a Macaholic. I’ve never owned, or even seriously used, a PC. I find Macs intuitive and usable, and I’ve never once felt that way about C: drives and D: drives and oh-god-why-me drives. So may the ghost of...
Nov 13, 2013 | SmartBear
Share Keyboards and mice are so yesterday. A panel at Engadget’s Gestures/Alternative Interfaces talk reaches for new interfaces, and rethinks the ways we interact with our machines. Admit it: You want to wave your hands and have technology obey your every...