These Podcasters Use FANDOM AND WELLNESS To Talk About Mental Health
This isn’t just any story. This is a superhero origin story. One day back in 2016, Arkeida Wilson, who was in the throes of a mentally abusive relationship, took a walk in Manhattan to clear her head…and wound up taking the brunt of a terrorist bomb. Wilson...
Check out these incredible 3D-printed cosplay props from the Maker Faire in NYC
The annual Maker Faire — a moveable feast of arts, crafts, and technology, held worldwide since 2008 — had its first cosplay prop competition in New York City last weekend. The event, held at the New York Hall of Science, was everything you could expect from...
Patience, young apprentice: Fan recreates pic with Darth Vader actor David Prowse 34 years later
We know and love David Prowse as the towering form of Darth Vader from the original Star Wars series. But U.K. fans might also know him as the Green Cross Man, a superhero created in the U.K. to teach children to safely cross the road. Fan Daniel Nugent met him in...