Nov 16, 2017 | SyFy
Nielsen Media Research estimated that television viewership is on an increase, but Business Insider is clear: Television ownership is on the decline.
Nov 14, 2017 | SyFy
As its millions of fans know, Stranger Things has almost perfectly captured the look and feel of the early 1980s. We say “almost,” because there are a few continuity errors. Barb’s Season 1 car wasn’t produced until 1988, and the Demogorgon figurine seen in...
Nov 8, 2017 | SyFy
Stranger Things 2 was as attention-grabbing, frightening, and just plain fun as its first hit season. Thankfully, the Duffer Brothers still have two more seasons’ worth of Hawkins, Indiana, tales to tell.
Nov 3, 2017 | SyFy
Stranger Things has a cast of lovable young actors, but as every chef knows, you need acid to balance the sweet. In Stranger Things 2, Erica, played by young Priah Ferguson, was that acid. The little sister of Lucas, she was the mouthy counter to his geeky self. We...
Oct 30, 2017 | SyFy
You’ve seen Stranger Things, right? You know, the fantastic Netflix show made even better by its brand-new season season? If you haven’t, please stop what you’re doing and carve a few hours out of your week. If you have, please continue. Spoiler...