The real world of virtual reality training

The real world of virtual reality training

For decades, onboarding employees has involved a lecture, an industrial film, or an information booklet, followed by a brief test to make sure your budding hires know their way around a cash register. But a greater degree of expertise is needed when prepping workers...

The laws that are ruining the Internet

I love government. Without our codified protections, businesses would return to their former practices of corporate monopolies, willful distribution of unsafe products, and child labor. As you know, your soldering skills are way better than a 12-year-old’s, even if...
Climate change and big business: Action time

Climate change and big business: Action time

The bad news: On June 1, 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accord. That agreement is the world’s handshake deal to limit the global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius (the threshold for avoiding dangerous global...
9 great mechanical keyboards for coders

9 great mechanical keyboards for coders

Bruce Springsteen has his axe. Gimli has his axe. Axe Cop…well, the point is, any professional knows the value of a top-notch instrument. For computer techies such as programmers, that means using keyboards worthy of their skills. Quality will cost you—up to a...
Three batteries that could power our future

Three batteries that could power our future

There are no rechargeable batteries we know and love. There are only batteries that we know and don’t hate. That’s because the batteries we know and use daily have as many negatives as positives. Efficient energy storage—especially portable energy storage—is one of...