Dec 7, 2011 | Stealth Cosplay
Is this stealth cosplay? Yes and no. Yes, if you’re one of the three people on the planet who hasn’t played Angry Birds (Hi, Mom!), you wouldn’t know quite what you were looking at. No, because she’s wearing a freakin’ Angry Bird. I...
Oct 27, 2011 | Stealth Cosplay
sketchymoustachio created this: it’s a GLaDOS hair accessory. I want it. I want it so hard.
Oct 7, 2011 | Stealth Cosplay
HelloCosplay actually sells a larger, more elaborate belt buckle, but I prefer the one above because it’s more understated, and therefore more in line with the “subtle cosplay” thing that I like so much.
Oct 7, 2011 | Stealth Cosplay
Sadly, these socks won’t let you land from massive heights and survive like Chell’s footware did in Portal and Portal 2.
Jul 27, 2011 | Stealth Cosplay
Geek uberhero Nathan Fillion, in his bid to earn the role of Nathan Drake in the upcoming movie-based-on-a-videogame Uncharted, is cosplaying Drake. He’s the world’s greatest photobomber AND a stealth cosplayer? He’s made of 100% pure-grade...