Sep 28, 2018 | SyFy
hris Carter’s Millennium is about as old as the Y2K bug panic, but it hasn’t been forgotten — not by the cast and crew, and not by Troy Foreman, the world’s undisputed biggest fan of the show. Foreman, a network...
Dec 8, 2017 | SyFy
Actor Brian Blessed was perfectly suited for the role of Prince Vultan in the 1980 film Flash Gordon — and not just because his stentorian voice can make any line majestic. It’s because Blessed loved Flash Gordon so much, he used to pretend to be Vultan when he was a...
Nov 27, 2017 | SyFy
As we’ve known for several months, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine will be boldly going where it has never gone before — in documentary form. Adam Nimoy, director of the award-winning doc For the Love of Spock and the son of Leonard Nimoy, was at the helm of the ship known...
Nov 13, 2017 | SyFy
Good news, fans of funny books: Robert Kirkman’s Secret History of Comics is now airing on AMC. The six-part documentary series, about the history of the genre we know and love, promises it will give us what we’ve always wanted: a deep dive into the industry...
May 25, 2017 | SyFy
It’s not about good vs. evil. It’s about geekiness vs. smarminess.