Find The Right Board Game To Match Your Personality

Find The Right Board Game To Match Your Personality

Quantic Foundry, a game analytics consultancy, recently took a full 220,000 videogamers and studied their motivations. The results were obvious in retrospect: People choose games based on their personality. In other words, gamers who are extroverted like games with...
Social Board Games Keep Your Brain Sharp

Social Board Games Keep Your Brain Sharp

Making your friends hand over their resources to you in Settlers in Catan or revealing yourself to be a Cylon in Battlestar Galactica isn’t just satisfying on a personal level. It seems that this can help your brain as you age. According to the New York Times, Paul...
Escape the Room: Mystery at the Stargazer’s Manor

Escape the Room: Mystery at the Stargazer’s Manor

ThinkFun’s Escape the Room: Mystery at the Stargazer’s Manor is an escape-the-room game that can be played in your own home. You don’t need to bolt your doors and windows, and you don’t need to hide precious information in secret places. All you need are an ability to...