Sep 13, 2017 | SyFy
Tim Miller’s directorial debut was Deadpool, the comic book movie with a Tomatometer of 84% and a box office take of $783.1 million on a $58 million budget. So after departing the Deadpool sequel, Miller was in a position to pick pretty much any project he chose. And...
Apr 12, 2017 | SyFy
And why it’s important to the story.
Apr 7, 2017 | SyFy
I love a good scientifically accurate death scene.
Aug 30, 2016 | SyFy
Before he became a director, James Cameron worked in the special effects department. This is what he came up with for Escape from New York.
Aug 1, 2014 | SyFy
The film’s creators describe why Aliens is the way it is.