Sep 22, 2012 | Forbes
Exploring the world of Tyria isn’t all there is to Guild Wars 2 (GW2)—far from it. In fact, you haven’t played the entire game even if you’ve visited every point on the map. That’s because player vs. player combat, as well as its bigger, angrier cousin, world vs....
Sep 18, 2012 | Forbes
Macintosh users who are excited about The Guild Wars 2 (GW2), rejoice. ArenaNet has heard our cries at the gates of Tyria to let us in. GW2 will now be available on the Mac. According to ArenaNet, “Guild Wars 2 will be available for Mac in a beta version to anyone who...
Sep 7, 2012 | Forbes
INTRO If you want a jaw-droppingly gorgeous MMO, look no further than Guild Wars 2 (GW2), ArenaNet’s newest creation. The beauty of the world of Tyria is even apparent during combat, where effects include illusions that dissolve into a swirl of butterflies and a...
Aug 26, 2012 | Forbes
World of Warcraft (WoW) players are sick to death of reading reviews that ask, “Is this game a WoW-killer?” WoW player Marco Lemos doesn’t want any game to kill WoW, his go-to MMO for the past six years. But Lemos said, “I wants a game to...
Aug 25, 2012 | Forbes
Guild Wars 2 (GW2), ArenaNet’s upcoming MMO, is a game that promises fun, pretty, and most of all, exciting gameplay without a single panda to be found. And it will be launching August 25, 2012, a few hours from now, for those who have pre-purchased the game,...