Jan 15, 2014 | SyFy
Stan Lee, co-creator of The Avengers, is making yet another cameo appearance. But what’s so different about this one?
Sep 25, 2012 | Forbes
When Hugh Jackman appeared in the 2001 movie X-Men, there was no doubt about it: Despite his towering 6’2 frame, he embodied the character of Wolverine. He reprised the role of the gruff mutant with a heart of gold and bones of adamantium again in X2, X-Men Origins:...
May 14, 2012 | Forbes
Stan Lee is the co-creator of the Avengers, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, and many of the comic book heroes from Marvel’s stable. But Lee will not be making the Forbes 400 list this year. Even though the film The Avengers has earned $1 billion (and...