Apr 20, 2020 | HPE Insights
People are spending more time than ever working and living in small or shared spaces. This experience is new and temporary for many, but turning to technology can help. Sheltering in place requires patience and creativity. To those of you who prefer a clear separation...
Feb 22, 2019 | HPE Insights
Originally published: https://www.hpe.com/us/en/insights/articles/when-technology-is-something-to-sing-about-1902.html Writing about music is like dancing about systems architecture. Late musician Frank Zappa once said, “There are more love songs than...
Oct 9, 2018 | HPE Insights
Farming traditionally was relegated to rural areas because that’s where the fertile land is. Yet today, people are making urban farming a reality, which increases reliance on newer technology. If you’re reading this article, thank a farmer. That’s because farming is...
Jun 27, 2018 | HPE Insights
Brace yourselves, technologists: Ethical misconduct in the workplace is on the rise. According to the Ethics and Compliance Initiative, a community that disseminates professional best practices, “16 percent of employees experienced pressure to compromise ethical...
Jan 17, 2018 | HPE Insights
Depending on your point of view, “Star Wars VIII: The Last Jedi” either broke your heart by killing what you love or broke your heart by spending too much time in the Canto Bight casino. But the fact remains that, just as “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story” had advice...