Jan 8, 2013 | Forbes
Did you think The Hunger Games was slightly confusing? I didn’t, but a friend of mine sure did. I had read the book, so my mind filled in the gaps that the movie had left. And there were quite a few gaps, as CinemaSins has pointed out in their latest video. The people...
Jan 3, 2013 | Forbes
A few days ago, CinemaSins released a YouTube clip called “Everything wrong with The Dark Knight Rises in 3 minutes or less.” CinemaSins took a good hard look at the movie Prometheus. Unsurprisingly, there was so much wrong with the Ridley Scott movie that it took...
Dec 28, 2012 | Forbes
Even though The Dark Knight Rises had some excellent performances and a great dramatic payoff, the movie had a few plot holes that were hard to overlook. Fans can either simmer in resentment or laugh about it. YouTuber CinemaSins’ video makes us laugh about it....
Jul 18, 2012 | Forbes
Image from official Dark Knight Rises site As we know from our Forbes Fictional 15 list of the richest fictional characters, Bruce Wayne is worth $6.9 billion, money that he inherited and grew. But Bruce Wayne, who midnights as Batman, has some rather opulent expenses...
Jul 10, 2012 | Forbes
Above Average Network. Image from video. 1960s television comedy Batman was a more innocent show than the rebooted Dark Knight series, which takes the phrase “dark and gritty” and stomps on it until it screams. In fact, the portrayals of the characters are so...