Dude, Want to Alter Your Consciousness? Try Video Games

Playing a video game isn’t quite like taking an LSD trip: You’re not infused with a sense of well being, and you don’t acquire insight into the workings of the universe. But as with some hallucinogens, video games can alter your consciousness. Researchers have known...

The Force Awakens in This Upcoming LEGO Game

Traveller’s Tales LEGO series are some of my favorite videogames, filled with comic mischief and adorable mini-fig versions of fandom’s best characters. And now this great game series has just become even better: Traveller’s Tales has announced that their next...

You Are What You Game: Personality Motivates Game Choices

I play video games because I love to take on the mantle of Batman and beat the hell out of bad guys. But while my husband also likes to be the Caped Crusader (because I wouldn’t have married a man who didn’t want to be Batman) he prefers to explore the quiet of deep...