Rock Band Players Apparently Have Better Music Perception

If you regularly play Rock Band, congratulations. You likely have better music perception skills than the average non-gamer. It’s not that surprising, considering that Rock Band requires you to match your guitar, bass, drums, or voice to on-screen musicians. But what...
This Wonder Woman Footage is All Sorts of Wonderful

This Wonder Woman Footage is All Sorts of Wonderful

Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins has put her finger on why we love the DC superhero so much: It’s because she’s kind and good and can punch a city block in the face. Patty Jenkins, as well as stars Gal Gadot and Chris Pine, shared their thoughts about the upcoming...

The Force Awakens in This Upcoming LEGO Game

Traveller’s Tales LEGO series are some of my favorite videogames, filled with comic mischief and adorable mini-fig versions of fandom’s best characters. And now this great game series has just become even better: Traveller’s Tales has announced that their next...