Jun 2, 2013 | Forbes
I love a good game, because they’re exciting and can transport me to exotic worlds with exotic weapons. I even enjoy a bad game at times, because the ludicrousness of the problems can make me laugh. Then there’s Fuse, the third-person shooter from...
Apr 24, 2013 | Forbes
Movies based on videogames tend to be action-y gorefests or even action-y actionfests—which is fine if you play games for adrenaline. But many games that I adore, like the Uncharted, LEGO, and Sam & Max series’, as well as my all-time favorite games, Knights of...
Dec 18, 2012 | Forbes
Fuse, previously titled Overstrike Insomniac Games is the maker of the highly playable series, Ratchet & Clank (R&C). And when I think of R&C, I think of snappy dialog, a plethora of humorous weapons, a wonderful variety of gameplay…and a younger...