Mar 5, 2013 | Forbes
Stealth ‘em up games, like Dishonored, Hitman, and Assassin’s Creed, are great fun to play. With characters who slink, sneak, skulk, and stab rather than shoot, our protagonists are as flexible morally as they are physically. We’re going to be getting a...
Mar 4, 2013 | Forbes
Remember the Anita Sarkeesian kerfuffle from May 2012? That was when blogger Sarkeesian created a Kickstarter project to fund a five-part series of short films about women’s roles in videogames…which led to a tidal wave of Internet hate. Good news for those of us who...
Mar 3, 2013 | Forbes
Do you like pirates? If the answer is yes, chances are you’ll like Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (AC4), which promises a Captain Blood (1935)-style adventure on the high seas. If you don’t like pirates, you’ll likely be disappointed. And if you like the AC saga,...
Mar 1, 2013 | Forbes
Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag (AC4) is the upcoming addition to the popular video game series, which started in 2007. And as we know, the previous one, Assassin’s Creed III (AC3), was better loved by critics than fans. We know very little about AC4, but fans...
Mar 1, 2013 | Forbes
Quantic Dream has kept a tight lid on information about their upcoming PS3 game, Beyond: Two Souls. So far, we know that it’s about a young woman, Jodie (the phenomenal actress, Ellen Page), and an entity, Idan, that follows her wherever she goes. From what we’ve...