May 1, 2013 | Forbes
Shannon Sun-Higginson isn’t a gamer, but when a friend told her about the Cross Assault incident, where competitive gamer Miranda “Super_Yan” Pakozdi was harassed on camera by her own coach, she was shocked. Then her friend told her, “This is the tip of...
Apr 30, 2013 | Forbes
You're going to do _what_ without me? BioShock: Infinite was a perfectly wrapped package of a story—one that used threads of the previous two games as its bow. I’ve already speculated about DLC options, here. But those were thought experiments, and until just...
Apr 30, 2013 | Forbes
And the winner is…not us. Aliens: Colonial Marines (A:CM) is a videogame that received mostly poor reviews when it was released on February 12, 2013. Star Trek is a videogame that received mostly poor reviews when it was released last week. As they’re both based...
Apr 29, 2013 | Forbes
At the Tribeca Film Festival on Saturday, April 27, David Cage, CEO of Quantic Dream, displayed a half hour’s worth of footage from the upcoming videogame, Beyond: Two Souls (B2S). If you’ve experienced the cinematic style of QD’s previous game, Heavy...
Apr 27, 2013 | Forbes
I had quite an adventure playing Star Trek the videogame, if not the one that Paramount/Digital Extremes had in mind. (Note: As you see from the first screenshot, this will turn out to be a pun.) Here are eleven screenshots showing some of the frustrating and/or...