Oct 31, 2015 | SyFy
Sonya Thompson talks about Stephen Yeun’s special talent, breakdancing, and what she’s wearing for Halloween.
Oct 30, 2015 | SyFy
Want to join zombies in their brain-eating fun? Move to New York City.
Oct 21, 2015 | SyFy
Scare your friends, family, and yourself with these items you can buy on Etsy.
Oct 21, 2013 | SyFy
If you’ve seen one victim running away from a psychotic killer who is armed with knives/chainsaws/their spiky fingernails, you’ve seen them all. Horror movies are filled with scenes of run-run-run, stab-stab-stab, and too many times, characters become...
May 28, 2013 | Forbes
The Last of Us is the upcoming PS3 game by Naughty Dog, makers of one of my favorite game series of all time, Uncharted. Uncharted is the light-hearted adventure of Indiana Jones-esque Nathan Drake and his globetrotting pals, and it takes us from one dazzling...