May 6, 2013 | Forbes
If fans of the now-defunct games company LucasArts were wondering what would happen to Star Wars-related games, wonder no more: Today, Disney, which purchased the kit and caboodle of George Lucas’ creative output back on October 30, 2012, has announced a partnership...
May 4, 2013 | Forbes
Until recently Linux users were the most unloved members of the gaming world, but back on February 14, they received the best Valentine’s Day present ever: Steam. The download service for a veritable smorgasbord of videogames, Steam games could be played only on a PC...
May 3, 2013 | Forbes
Iron Man 3 could have been just like Iron Man 2, a $200-million mediocrity with characters as flimsy as Ivan Vanko was. The previous two movies, starring Robert Downey Jr. and directed by Jon Favreau, were full of sound and fury, signifying…well, $585 million and $623...
May 2, 2013 | Forbes
Star Trek Into Darkness won’t be beaming into our theaters until May 17—which makes this the perfect time for Paramount to tease us with three “Disruption” trailers. Instead of the good space-faring fun of the other clips that have recently been released, these clips...
May 1, 2013 | Forbes
Shannon Sun-Higginson isn’t a gamer, but when a friend told her about the Cross Assault incident, where competitive gamer Miranda “Super_Yan” Pakozdi was harassed on camera by her own coach, she was shocked. Then her friend told her, “This is the tip of...
Apr 30, 2013 | Forbes
You're going to do _what_ without me? BioShock: Infinite was a perfectly wrapped package of a story—one that used threads of the previous two games as its bow. I’ve already speculated about DLC options, here. But those were thought experiments, and until just...