Jul 3, 2019 | HPE Insights
[Editor’s note: This article was first published in 2017; it was updated in 2019 to update pricing, as well as to add the NightFox, Kinesis Freestyle Pro, and the Fujitsu Happy Hacking Keyboard Professional 2.] Developers and system administrators spend all day...
Mar 20, 2019 | HPE Insights
Storage is possibly the least exciting part of computing, but it’s oh so essential. After all, those who do not “Rekall” the past are doomed to recompute it. Yet, storage is a staple of both science and science fiction, and forms the basis, or a...
Feb 22, 2019 | HPE Insights
Originally published: https://www.hpe.com/us/en/insights/articles/when-technology-is-something-to-sing-about-1902.html Writing about music is like dancing about systems architecture. Late musician Frank Zappa once said, “There are more love songs than...
Dec 11, 2018 | HPE Insights
What were they thinking?! These erroneous guesses about tech in 2018 would shatter any crystal ball. It’s getting harder to predict the future, what with entrepreneurs creating companies based on the pairing of trendy buzzwords (for example, Uber + edibles =...
Nov 14, 2018 | HPE Insights
Sure, everyone wants to see Planet Earth in the rear-view mirror. But we won’t achieve that goal until we first cover these particular bases. Space is a mere 100 kilometers above us. Except for a few highly trained astronauts and cosmonauts, and even...
Oct 9, 2018 | HPE Insights
Farming traditionally was relegated to rural areas because that’s where the fertile land is. Yet today, people are making urban farming a reality, which increases reliance on newer technology. If you’re reading this article, thank a farmer. That’s because farming is...