Jan 16, 2020 | Functionize
Humans have big brains and two thumbs, and we’ve used them to conquer the world. But even we admit that, in some cases, computer power is superior to human power. Take software quality assurance (QA). In many cases, testing software can be done quicker and more...
Nov 26, 2019 | HPE Insights
Music is said to stir the soul. Does that apply even if it was created by a machine? When we give a machine values and it solves a calculation for us, that’s simply computing. When we give a machine data and it learns from its experiences and then makes...
Sep 25, 2019 | HPE Insights
Scientists, mathematicians, and entrepreneurs share what they’ve learned from—and about—big data on the TED Talk stage. We selected 11 for your viewing pleasure. TED Talks are fabulous short lectures on important stories of our times. One of the more important...
Aug 6, 2019 | Featured Articles, SyFy
Cosplaying isn’t just a fashion statement; the pastime also helps its participants embody the characters they love and do their best to assume the traits they admire, like bravery or kindness. But even as the entertainment industry begins to make strides in...