Jan 25, 2013 | Forbes
As fans of the 1982 movie Blade Runner know, Joanna Cassidy played Zhora, one of the Nexus-6 models who thinks that seeing the C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate isn’t nearly as important as extending her life beyond its four-year expiration date....
Jan 23, 2013 | Forbes
Who could be intimidated by this? My name is Carol Pinchefsky. You wounded my soul when you asked Wynand Mullins to remove his t-shirt. Prepare to cry. At least, that’s what I wanted to do when I had read the following tale: It seems that a man aboard a Quantas flight...
Jan 23, 2013 | Forbes
With the exception of the Christmas special, fans have been Doctor Who-less since September 29, when the Angels took Manhattan and Amy and Rory took leave of the TARDIS. But soon we’ll be Who-ful again. BBC America will be giving us the second half of season 7...
Jan 22, 2013 | Forbes
The First Doctor, played by William Hartnell This year, Doctor Who will celebrate its fifty-year anniversary. That’s fifty years of regenerations, companions, time and space travel, Daleks, Cybermen, and a few years with K-9 (minus a sixteen-year hiatus from 1989 to...
Jan 16, 2013 | Forbes
The latest Game of Thrones production video is here, to remind us that “winter is coming” and so is season 3. Unlike the ultrashort teaser trailer, which provided plenty of style but no substance, “Making of Game of Thrones: Molding the Book into a Series,” gives us...