May 21, 2012 | Forbes
Fiance? What fiance? Why is this episode, “The Prince of Winterfell,” different from all other Game of Thrones episodes? It’s because there was a lot of talkie-talkie and no slicey-dicey. The few corpses we saw came pre-stabbed. We did have one sex scene that was...
May 18, 2012 | Forbes
For its many fans, Blade Runner is sacrosanct among science fiction films. When news of a sequel first surfaced, many of us screamed internally, “Do not mess with our holy text!” When Scott’s name was attached, our nerd rage was soothed. But if the latest rumor is...
May 16, 2012 | Forbes
When Prometheus arrives in theaters June 8 (June 1 in the UK), fans will have been driven to a fever pitch. I know this, because I’m one of those fans, and I’m already frothing at the mouth. This latest video, which the producers have dubbed “Quiet Eye,” has made me...
May 15, 2012 | Forbes
Marvel is whetting our appetites for the upcoming June 30, 2012, release of The Amazing Spider-Man. This four-minute trailer contains much of the footage from the previous trailer, but gives us more action…and better yet, more personality. Peter Parker dazzles us with...
May 14, 2012 | Forbes
No shoes, no shirt, and he still gets serviced. “A Man Without Honor” starts with Theon Greyjoy and ends with Theon Greyjoy. But he’s not the man without honor. No, that title belongs to Jaime Lannister, who appears for the first time this season. But after the events...