Feb 3, 2012 | Forbes
If you’ve been following geek news, you’ll know that DC Comics will be releasing a series of comic books, Before Watchmen, this summer. These books will be based on characters developed by Alan Moore in Watchmen, the 1986 graphic novel that became the standard by...
Feb 1, 2012 | Forbes
Siri hates you if you’re Scottish. That’s one possible explanation as to why the iPhone 4S digital assistant can’t understand a word the Scots are saying, as you can see in this hilarious video, below. (Warning: foul language.) Of course, another explanation is that...
Feb 1, 2012 | Forbes
Video games are a fun hobby, but no one ever said it was an inexpensive one: a brand new video game for the Xbox can run you $60, and a hardcore gaming rig can cost upward of $2000. But does assassinating Templars and avenging angry birds really cost a family of four...
Jan 31, 2012 | Forbes
If German magazine Zeit and my mediocre German (with help from Google Translate) is correct, former Beatle, Sir Paul McCartney, is currently writing the soundtrack for a video game. In an interview where McCartney describes the different ways you can hear music...
Jan 31, 2012 | Forbes
The comedy team of Monty Python–which gave the world five years of BBC television as well as five movies–is reuniting for a new film. Their newest creation will be a science fiction film. The Pythons will be playing aliens who grant wishes to humans, just to see what...