Apr 12, 2013 | Forbes
If you’ve seen Star Trek, either the classic series or the rebooted movie, you’ll know that the two main characters, Kirk and Spock, complement each other. Kirk is brash, while Spock is thoughtful. Kirk loves the ladies, and Spock loves the logic (or Uhura, in the...
Mar 21, 2013 | Forbes
That's a reflection, not a lens flare. But I had to look twice. We know almost nothing about John Harrison, Kirk’s nemesis in the upcoming movie Star Trek Into Darkness, the sequel to the 2009 reboot of Star Trek. Thanks to the international trailer, we...
Mar 10, 2013 | Forbes
I’ve recently become concerned about J.J. Abrams role as the director of the next Star Wars movie. After all, he could be bringing some of his Star Trek sensibility into the galaxy far, far away, and the two are–and should continue to be–extremely...