Mar 18, 2013 | Forbes
God of War: Ascension (GoW:A) is a subtle commentary on the philosophical concepts of ancient Greece, how anthropomorphic deities give rise to–just kidding. It’s a game where a badass kicks many other bad asses in a badass way. GoW:A is a stylish killfest and...
Mar 18, 2013 | Forbes
The recent less-than-smooth release of SimCity did little to bolster the image of Electronic Arts, the publishers of the city-building game. The ramifications may have been farther-reaching than just bad PR. It may have been the instigator for today’s news: John...
Mar 14, 2013 | Forbes
Send favors to your friends. Do you like Facebook games like Farmville? Do you like Game of Thrones? If so, Disruptor Beam hopes to have the game you want to play but without the spiky throne. Whether slaying slavers or training up a lackwit bastard son, Game of...
Mar 14, 2013 | Forbes
For those of us who are counting the days until BioShock: Infinite’s (B:I) release on March 26, we have twelve days to wait. Irrational Games has been keeping up the anticipation with trailer after trailer…including the most recent one, below, “False Shepherd.” I...
Mar 12, 2013 | Forbes
When Guild Wars 2 (GW2) came out, I jumped into it enthusiastically and played for several weeks. But life happens, as it does, and I’ve been only able to venture into Tyria intermittently. When I did play, I noticed changes, but I didn’t spend much time...