May 21, 2013 | Forbes
A PlayStation fangirl admits it: Today’s reveal of the Xbox One kind of blew the PlayStation 4 reveal out of the water. Even the name, Xbox One, rather than the casually monikered Xbox 720, is surprising and different. The PS4 reveal was centered on the games...
May 9, 2013 | Forbes
According to Fusible, Lucasfilm registered multiple domain names on the same day that EA announced its exclusive deal to produce Star Wars videogames, and the timing leads many of us to believe that these domain names are future game titles. It’s good to think...
May 8, 2013 | Forbes
Ask anyone who’s ever played Grand Theft Auto IV and not killed a pimp in real life: We say videogames don’t lead to violent behavior. But many studies, written by people who have more degrees than me, suggest they do. Ph.D candidate Paul Adachi, who co-authored an...
May 6, 2013 | Forbes
If fans of the now-defunct games company LucasArts were wondering what would happen to Star Wars-related games, wonder no more: Today, Disney, which purchased the kit and caboodle of George Lucas’ creative output back on October 30, 2012, has announced a partnership...
May 4, 2013 | Forbes
Until recently Linux users were the most unloved members of the gaming world, but back on February 14, they received the best Valentine’s Day present ever: Steam. The download service for a veritable smorgasbord of videogames, Steam games could be played only on a PC...