Apr 22, 2013 | Forbes
Girl Scouts isn’t just for girls who who really like toasting marshmallows over an open campfire while telling creepy tales about babysitters and the stalker who is calling them…from inside the house. It’s for girls who like to learn important skills—such as...
Apr 20, 2013 | Forbes
If you’ve finished BioShock: Infinite (and if you haven’t, you should get on that immediately), you’re probably in mourning for what you’ve lost when you left the beautiful yet lethal world of Columbia. But fear not: There are some ways to recreate the...
Apr 17, 2013 | Forbes
Ah, social network games. You either love them or hate them. But if you’re American, chances are you love them—we have a staggering number of social network gamers in the 50 states. But as of last month, you may love them less than you did…not all that long ago....
Apr 12, 2013 | Forbes
Rae Johnston, the lifestyle editor of TechLife.net, was standing on line for coffee, minding her own business, when a man approached her about her BioShock: Infinite t-shirt. I’ll let her tweet speak for itself: There are two reasons this tweet is making the rounds...
Apr 12, 2013 | Forbes
If you’ve seen Star Trek, either the classic series or the rebooted movie, you’ll know that the two main characters, Kirk and Spock, complement each other. Kirk is brash, while Spock is thoughtful. Kirk loves the ladies, and Spock loves the logic (or Uhura, in the...