Apr 11, 2013 | Forbes
I’ve come a long way from the girl gamer who only likes adventure and RPG games to a girl gamer who finds herself sitting in front of a multiplayer online battle arena game, genuinely enjoying pounding the snot out of Green Lantern. (Take that, Guy Gardner, you macho...
Apr 9, 2013 | Forbes
Vote Saltonstall or eat crow. WARNING: HERE BE SPOILERS BioShock: Infinite tells a complex tale of archetypes and architecture, a Klein bottle tied with a Moebius strip. The story arc is seemingly complete, so you might think there is nowhere left to go from here. But...
Apr 5, 2013 | Forbes
Come with me if you want to live. It’s been slow-going writing part two of my BioShock: Infinite review, and not because the Irrational Games’ FPS is complicated. This game has made me want to slow down and savor this experience. At the same time, it also has urged me...
Apr 5, 2013 | Forbes
It was love at first listen. BioShock: Infinite may be a tour de force of storytelling, and it may have set the bar for art direction for an FPS as high as Columbia itself. But it’s the off-kilter pop music that’s won me over like a quick wink from a cute...
Apr 4, 2013 | Forbes
Screenshot of LucasArts.com, April 3, 2013. Ask any fan of Star Wars: There’s a new Moff in town. Although Disney acquired LucasArts on October 30, 2012, Disney has made some sweeping changes gradually, such as cancelling the long-running Cartoon Network television...