Nov 14, 2012 | Forbes
The Walking Dead is AMC’s engaging, bloody horror show that sends chills up the spines of the living. But before it was must-watch TV, it was a critically acclaimed comic book. And one person has acclaimed it more than others: A buyer, whose name is redacted for...
Apr 4, 2012 | Forbes
Of all the Republican candidates for president, Rick Santorum is the only one who makes me want to fling a copy of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique at his head. Although he’s the darling of conservative women, his views on women’s equality, below, are about...
Feb 29, 2012 | Forbes
For better or worse, Hollywood’s trend of remaking classic science fiction is continuing apace. We’ve had Planet of the Apes (2001 and 2011), The War of the Worlds (2005), King Kong (2005), I Am Legend (2007), The Invasion (2007), The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008),...