Jun 2, 2013 | Forbes
I love a good game, because they’re exciting and can transport me to exotic worlds with exotic weapons. I even enjoy a bad game at times, because the ludicrousness of the problems can make me laugh. Then there’s Fuse, the third-person shooter from...
May 29, 2013 | Forbes
Handyman. Faster than me. Updated: How long does it take to play a videogame, really? It depends. Are you a completionist who wants to explore every nook and cranny of the game developers’ devising? Or do you want to power through a game, just to see how it...
May 8, 2013 | Forbes
Ask anyone who’s ever played Grand Theft Auto IV and not killed a pimp in real life: We say videogames don’t lead to violent behavior. But many studies, written by people who have more degrees than me, suggest they do. Ph.D candidate Paul Adachi, who co-authored an...
May 1, 2013 | Forbes
Shannon Sun-Higginson isn’t a gamer, but when a friend told her about the Cross Assault incident, where competitive gamer Miranda “Super_Yan” Pakozdi was harassed on camera by her own coach, she was shocked. Then her friend told her, “This is the tip of...
Feb 14, 2013 | Forbes
iTunes U is an underappreciated section on iTunes. It’s a pity, because it provides wonderful lectures and educational material from universities, museums, and libraries from around the world. watching and listening to iTunes U is like being in college again, but...