Mar 31, 2013 | Forbes
Parties aren’t just a fun way to unwind after a long day on the showroom floor. Because of the networking opportunities they afford, the after-hours parties have become almost as important as the convention itself. Several parties at the recent Games Developer...
Mar 31, 2013 | Forbes
This is only the second time in Doctor Who history that the phone on the police callbox-shaped TARDIS has rung. The first time was in “The Empty Child,” a season 1 (or season 27/28, depending on how you count it) episode, but that was an effect of electricity and...
Mar 30, 2013 | Forbes
Doctor Who has brought sci-fi adventure to each and every episode of its Timelord-like lifespan, but the BBC has promised an even more spectacular broadcast for the 50-year anniversary. And it’s starting to look as if the BBC is making good on that promise: David...
Mar 29, 2013 | Forbes
Then and now Hardcore Star Trek fans don’t care for the rebooted 2009 movie for its inconsistencies with the Trek universe. (You killed Vulcan, you b——d.) As we know, the upcoming videogame is also part of the rebooted universe. But old school fans should...
Mar 28, 2013 | Forbes
Tuesday night, the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) co-presented a party attended by industry experts…and scantily clad dancers (click my previous article, here, for the photo). Game designer Brenda Romero resigned her co-chair position of IGDA’s...
Mar 27, 2013 | Forbes
Photo by Alicia Avril. The Game Developer Conference is full of fun, with hands-on demonstrations of unreleased games, talks from the developers, and day-long workshops designed to cram as much information into our game-soaked brains as possible. But not every event...