Apr 25, 2013 | Forbes
If you’ve purchased a copy of the recently released Star Trek videogame on Steam, you may be staring longingly at the “Invite” button, unable to ask a friend to join you in some Kirk and Spock action. That’s because the highly anticipated co-op feature is not even...
Apr 12, 2013 | Forbes
If you’ve seen Star Trek, either the classic series or the rebooted movie, you’ll know that the two main characters, Kirk and Spock, complement each other. Kirk is brash, while Spock is thoughtful. Kirk loves the ladies, and Spock loves the logic (or Uhura, in the...
Mar 25, 2013 | Forbes
Lens flare (without a lens) James Tiberius Kirk. Three to beam up. He’s dead, Jim. If any of these words elicit a geeky thrill, then you’ll also know that many past Star Trek videogames…do not. The MMO Star Trek Online notwithstanding, Star Trek videogames have...
Feb 15, 2013 | Forbes
As fans (and fanfiction writers) of Star Trek know, Kirk and Spock make a great team. That’s because Kirk is the rough-and-tumble leader, and Spock is the cooler-headed second-in-command. So when making the upcoming Star Trek the Video Game, the developers knew that...