Apr 27, 2013 | Forbes
UPDATED: Did I say 34 things? I mean 35. When trying to complete the game in single-player, after a co-op session where I joined my buddy’s game, I continued…and discovered that I was tossed back several chapters. Specifically, I found myself at the point...
Apr 25, 2013 | Forbes
If you’ve purchased a copy of the recently released Star Trek videogame on Steam, you may be staring longingly at the “Invite” button, unable to ask a friend to join you in some Kirk and Spock action. That’s because the highly anticipated co-op feature is not even...
Apr 24, 2013 | Forbes
Ladies… (and Spock) I’m going to be writing a review of Star Trek the videogame for the PS3. But while waiting for my copy to arrive, I was graciously given a Steam code so I could get a head start on joining the fabulous co-op fray. That was the theory, anyway....
Apr 24, 2013 | Forbes
Ever since Sony announced the PlayStation 4 in New York City on February 20, Xbox gamers have been waiting for a response from Microsoft, a return missile lobbed in the console wars. And waiting. And waiting. But now the waiting game won’t have to be played much...
Apr 24, 2013 | Forbes
Movies based on videogames tend to be action-y gorefests or even action-y actionfests—which is fine if you play games for adrenaline. But many games that I adore, like the Uncharted, LEGO, and Sam & Max series’, as well as my all-time favorite games, Knights of...