Jan 11, 2013 | Forbes
Endless Ocean: Blue World (EO:BW) is a Wii game that takes approximate eight to twelve hours to complete. Not Viki Kelly. She’s been playing EO:BW for over 250 hours. She’s far from finished. With an ocean to explore and sealife to explore it with, Kelly doesn’t see...
Dec 6, 2012 | Forbes
Today, the Recording Academy, presenter of the Grammy awards, revealed their nominations for the 55th annual Grammy nominations. In the category of “best score soundtrack for visual media,” The Artist and Hugo got their well-deserved yet predictable nods. And then...
Dec 6, 2012 | Forbes
Did you think that Cortana telling the Master Chief to wake from his four-year slumber was music to your ears? Did you think Skyrim was an epic adventure worthy of story and song? Dan Bull does. He sets his love for videogames to music—hip hop music, actually—and...
Nov 28, 2012 | Forbes
Videogames are a great way to walk in someone else’s shoes, if only digitally. Depending on the game, you can do good deeds for the love of humanity or the love of money. You can swing a sword for freedom or for oppression. According to Dr. Andrew Weaver, your game...
Nov 27, 2012 | Forbes
When games project specialist Luke Crane tweeted on November 27, “Why are there so few lady game creators?” he didn’t realize that he would create a minor tweetstorm. But Crane’s observation touched upon a nerve—and not just because he used the word “lady” instead of...