Apr 24, 2013 | Forbes
Ever since Sony announced the PlayStation 4 in New York City on February 20, Xbox gamers have been waiting for a response from Microsoft, a return missile lobbed in the console wars. And waiting. And waiting. But now the waiting game won’t have to be played much...
Dec 18, 2012 | Forbes
Fuse, previously titled Overstrike Insomniac Games is the maker of the highly playable series, Ratchet & Clank (R&C). And when I think of R&C, I think of snappy dialog, a plethora of humorous weapons, a wonderful variety of gameplay…and a younger...
Oct 15, 2012 | Forbes
Nick Chester, publicist at Harmonix, is a better dancer than me. At least he’s a better player of Dance Central 3 (DC3), where in one game he bested me by 100,000 points. I’ll never be able to hear Justin Bieber’s “Boyfriend” without feeling even more annoyed than I...
Aug 30, 2012 | Forbes
When Gary Carr, the creative director for Lionhead Studios played Fable: The Journey (FTJ) on the Kinect, he played like a tai-chi master or even like Mickey Mouse as the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. He waved his arms in fluid, yet precise movements to destroy the...
Aug 20, 2012 | Forbes
For gamers, November 6 isn’t just Election Day. It’s the day when the Halo Nation get their collective hands on the long-awaited Xbox game, Halo 4. But gamers have even more to look forward to than the continuing adventures of the Master Chief and his...