Apr 24, 2013 | Forbes
Ever since Sony announced the PlayStation 4 in New York City on February 20, Xbox gamers have been waiting for a response from Microsoft, a return missile lobbed in the console wars. And waiting. And waiting. But now the waiting game won’t have to be played much...
Apr 24, 2013 | Forbes
Movies based on videogames tend to be action-y gorefests or even action-y actionfests—which is fine if you play games for adrenaline. But many games that I adore, like the Uncharted, LEGO, and Sam & Max series’, as well as my all-time favorite games, Knights of...
Apr 22, 2013 | Forbes
Do you wait in breathless anticipation every time Professor Farnsworth greets his crew with the words, “Good news, everyone?” Can you read one of Futurama’s languages? Do you think that Morbo needs to replace Matt Lauer? If so, then you’re going to need a big swig of...
Apr 22, 2013 | Forbes
Girl Scouts isn’t just for girls who who really like toasting marshmallows over an open campfire while telling creepy tales about babysitters and the stalker who is calling them…from inside the house. It’s for girls who like to learn important skills—such as...
Apr 20, 2013 | Forbes
If you’ve finished BioShock: Infinite (and if you haven’t, you should get on that immediately), you’re probably in mourning for what you’ve lost when you left the beautiful yet lethal world of Columbia. But fear not: There are some ways to recreate the...
Apr 17, 2013 | Forbes
Because nothing says fun like Force Lightning. It’s been eight years since the release of Revenge of the Sith, a long time to go without watching someone Force Lightening someone into a crisp. This isn’t as long as the sixteen-year wait between Return of the Jedi and...